Lectotype (designated here): GDC barcode G00324010; isolectotypes: G barcode G00383622, GH barcode GH00045425, MA barcode MA-01-00608654, MO barcode MO-251929, NY barcode NY00074541, P barcode P00635246], S barcodes S07-12614, S-R-7750, US barcode US00096322, YU barcode YU244659.
Usage of the data hosted in this web server implies the explicit indication of the source,
as follows: Cardiel, J.M., Muñoz-Rodríguez, P., Montero-Muñoz, I., Gamarra, R. & Ortúñez,
E. Acalypha Taxonomic Information System, www.acalypha.es [Date of request].