[SOUTH AMERICA: BRAZIL] Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Feb 1882, A. Glaziou 13190 in part (lectotype designated here: G barcode G00383670; isolectotypes: B presumed destroyed [B neg. F. 5350], C barcode C10013867, and K barcode K000600542)
A. Glaziou 13190 in part
Lectotype designated by Cardiel & al. (2022): G barcode G00383670; isolectotypes: B presumed destroyed [B neg. F. 5350], C barcode C10013867, and K barcode K000600542
Remaining syntypes: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Congonhas do Campo, s.d., A. Glaziou 13190 in part (P barcodes P00635291, P00635292, P00635293, and P00635294)
Usage of the data hosted in this web server implies the explicit indication of the source,
as follows: Cardiel, J.M., Muñoz-Rodríguez, P., Montero-Muñoz, I., Gamarra, R. & Ortúñez,
E. Acalypha Taxonomic Information System, www.acalypha.es [Date of request].