[SOUTH AMERICA: BRAZIL] Brazil, Minas Gerais, “Pirrahi et Mathias Ramor”
J. B. E. Pohl 273
Lectotype designated Cardiel & al. (2022): W barcode W0059996; isolectotypes: G barcode G00434140 in part and W barcode W0059995
Remaining syntypes: Brazil, Minas Gerais, “in silvis primaevis ad praesidium S. Joâo Baptista”, C. P. F. von Martius1041, G barcode G00434140 in part, M barcodes M0239455, M0239456 and M0239457.
Usage of the data hosted in this web server implies the explicit indication of the source,
as follows: Cardiel, J.M., Muñoz-Rodríguez, P., Montero-Muñoz, I., Gamarra, R. & Ortúñez,
E. Acalypha Taxonomic Information System, www.acalypha.es [Date of request].